Portage, Base & Whitewood Owners Association
The PBWOA was incorporated in 1940 to provide a voice for waterfront property owners, but probably existed in an informal state before that time. The original name was The Big and Little Portage Lake Association but was later changed to include Base and Whitewood lakes. The name belies the fact that many members are included (and welcome) from other lakes in the Huron Chain such as Tamarack and Gallagher.
The primary goals of the Association include to preserve, protect, and improve the lakes. The Association also works to protect the rights of waterfromt property owners. Past projects have included promoting the construction of the John Flook Dam that controls the water level on Portage and Base Lakes, working to establish court-set summer and winter levels for the Lakes, and promoting the construction of a municipal sanitary sewer system for the Little Portage, Portage, Base, and Tamarack Lake areas. Water quality is now being monitored through the Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program (CLMP) after many years of funding water quality monitoring by limnologist Wally Fusilier. The Association works with the Huron River Watershed Council and with the Michigan Lakes and Streams Association to further its goals. The Board meets regularly with Township government representatives to share ideas and concerns. PBWOA sponsors a Boating Safety Class in early May each year and conducts its annual Membership Meeting in the middle of May.
This history website is the result of a project started in 2002 by a committee of PBWOA members.
PBWOA maintains a website, www.pbwoa.org, that contains a great deal of information useful to waterfront owners.