
Zukey Lake Postcards

Greetings from Lakeland Mich., postmarked 1911, clockwise from top left, Lakeland, Mich., Train Time—Lakeland, Mich., Lakeland, and a family cottage scene. Top left scene is a broader view of the previous single postcard, Train Time view is of the Lakeland depot area, showing Lakeland Hotel in the background, bottom right view is shown as a single card view of the river below Strawberry Lake, and the bottom left view is a posed family shot in front of cottage. Mom and Dad are posed behind their boys, who have crossed oars in front of them. A black dog is resting on Mom’s skirt, and a third young man is posed standing to their side, a school “B” on his tank top.

 The views in composite real photo cards such as this one often appeared in addition as single view postcards published by thephotographer. This series is by J. H. Cave from Highland Park, Mich.

The ‘Lindenhof’ Lakeland, Mich. It’s unclear whether Lindenhof was an inn or a single family home. It does appear, however, that across the lake one of the Pavilions is visible.