Chrome postcard from Hell, circa 1960’s-1980’s. The back caption reads, “Hell, Michigan is located in the southern part of Livingston County. It is twenty miles Northwest of Ann Arbor in the heart of the Pinckney Recreation Area.
The back of this postcard features the caption reading, “HELL MICH. Greetings from Hell, Mich. Hell, Michigan can be reached from U-96, 15 miles South of the Pinckney Exit or from I-94, 12 miles from either the Baker Road Exit thru Dexter, or the Chelsea Exit thru Unadilla, Michigan.
Satan’s Pool, Hell, Mich. Satan’s Pool, Hell, Michigan is one of the numerous lakes and ponds in this area. Hi-Land, Big Silver, Half-Moon, Bruin, Crooked, Patterson, Blind, and North Lakes are a few of the better known lakes within a radius of four miles. To reach Hell take Patterson Lake Road west from the Dexter Pinckney Road.