Pinckney Postcards

Main Street, Pinckney, Michigan, dated 1905. In this early card of Pinckney Main Street, looking from east to west, you can see the town square on the left side of the image. The first low building in right foreground has a sign labeling the site, “Pinckney Dispatch,” the local newspaper.

Pinckney Homecoming 1914. Looking down Howell Street towards Main Street, with the village square on the right side of the image, this postcard says a lot about the village in 1914. Though horse-drawn vehicles are still being used, several residents have parked their cars next to the corner building. The Homecoming event was a big event, with tents set up in the square. There’s a Harness Shop sign (which was still needed at this point in history) in the foreground, and in the middle of the main block of buildings, “Monk Bros.” marks that business.
The village of Pinckney was platted around a center square in August, 1837.
This card is my favorite of all the Pinckney cards in my collection!